세션1: 전통의약 산업 해외 진출
Ⅰ. Overseas Expansion of the Traditional Medicine Industry
Tian Yanan
General Manager,
Lanzhou Foci International Commerce Co., LTD
Sharing of Foci Pharmaceutical
and internationalization of TCM
Guan-Ru Lin
Section manager, Business & Development Dept.
Sheng Chang Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.
The Development and Export Strategies
of Sheng Chang in Concentrated Chinese Medicine
세션2: 한방 ODA 활성화
Ⅱ. Activation of ODA in Korean Medicine
Jamshid Mirrakhimov
우즈베키스탄 전통의학과학임상센터
Cooperation with Korea in the Development of Traditional Medicine in Uzbekistan
세션3: 한의사 해외 진출 전략
Ⅲ. Traditional Medicine's Role on the World Stage
Iman Majd
Director of Osher Center at UW
University of Washington – National Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Pathway for NCCAOM Board Certification Overview
Laila Mohammed Al Zubaidi
Director- Healthcare Workforce Licensing & Medical Education
Department of Health-Abu Dhabi
T&CM Practice in Abu Dhabi
Technical Officer (Traditional Medicine)
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Toward the Healthiest and Safest Region
세션4: 외국인 환자 유치 전략
Ⅳ. Strategies to Attract International Patients
Xinyan Liu
중국중의과학원 광안문병원
국제의료부 부장
Based on Efficacy and Patient-centered
: Guanganmen Hospital's Medical Tourism Experience
Pakakrong Kwankhao
Assistant director for Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Affair
Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
Strategies for Promoting Thai Traditional Medicine Tourism
: Thailand Experiences